Good People Doing Good Things
There are
more good people doing good things; people who compassionately help
others and empathize with their pain. People who forgive mistakes and know
the importance of being positive and pleasant-I remind myself of this when
bad things happen to others. Then I think about a banner that my second grade
teacher Miss Gregory hung on the walls of the classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” My heart soars; even at eight years old I
know my second grade teacher is sharing a secret-a truth. At the time,
I did not know this phrase was a message from the great Master Teacher Jesus to
his disciples, but it touches my heart and is a guiding principle. So when
people hurt other people, (impossible to understand), I take it into
meditation. I close my eyes and ask, “Why would anyone want to hurt another
person?” In meditation my mind settles down and the quietness is soothing. I am
back to center and balanced.
I recall
a spiritual law.
The Law of Karma; everyone, everywhere is held responsible for
their thoughts and their deeds. Everyone. There is no escaping it.
We reap
what we sow; what we do and what we think every day has repercussions for
ourselves and others. Yes…thoughts are "things" and have a tangible
quality. We cannot monitor all of the thousands of thoughts we have each day,
but we can make a daily effort to quiet the mind in meditation, balance
ourselves, and reach out to others-never intentionally doing harm. With a
balanced mind and an open heart we are better able to be a kind and caring
human being.
it is a challenge to meditate at least one time a day for ten, fifteen, or
twenty minutes or longer, the simple easy and effortless process of
letting thoughts come and go re-balances the nervous system and releases
stress. When I meditate, I am reminded that there are more good people
doing good things in the world than bad people doing hurtful things. There are
more good people helping others, serving others, family, friends, and
neighbors, then destructive out of balance and misguided people. Then my mind
drifts back and I think about the banner Miss Gregory hung on the
walls of the second grade classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them
do unto you.” Yes, there are more
good people doing good things for others bringing light and love in to the
Light, Love, healing and many blessings, always, Ruth Starseed
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