Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Good People Doing Good Things


Good People Doing Good Things
There are more good people doing good things; people who compassionately help others and empathize with their pain. People who forgive mistakes and know the importance of being positive and pleasant-I remind myself of this when bad things happen to others. Then I think about a banner that my second grade teacher Miss Gregory hung on the walls of the classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” My heart soars; even at eight years old I know my second grade teacher is sharing a secret-a truth. At the time, I did not know this phrase was a message from the great Master Teacher Jesus to his disciples, but it touches my heart and is a guiding principle. So when people hurt other people, (impossible to understand), I take it into meditation. I close my eyes and ask, “Why would anyone want to hurt another person?” In meditation my mind settles down and the quietness is soothing. I am back to center and balanced.
I recall a spiritual law.
The Law of Karma; everyone, everywhere is held responsible for their thoughts and their deeds. Everyone. There is no escaping it.
We reap what we sow; what we do and what we think every day has repercussions for ourselves and others. Yes…thoughts are "things" and have a tangible quality. We cannot monitor all of the thousands of thoughts we have each day, but we can make a daily effort to quiet the mind in meditation, balance ourselves, and reach out to others-never intentionally doing harm. With a balanced mind and an open heart we are better able to be a kind and caring human being.
Although it is a challenge to meditate at least one time a day for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes or longer, the simple easy and effortless process of letting thoughts come and go re-balances the nervous system and releases stress. When I meditate, I am reminded that there are more good people doing good things in the world than bad people doing hurtful things. There are more good people helping others, serving others, family, friends, and neighbors, then destructive out of balance and misguided people. Then my mind drifts back and I think about the banner Miss Gregory hung on the walls of the second grade classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Yes, there are more good people doing good things for others bringing light and love in to the world.
Light, Love, healing and many blessings, always, Ruth Starseed

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Inner Voice

I was twenty three years old when my Cousin, five years younger, born on my birthday, a blue eyed blonde beauty; a colorful bouquet of mountain wildflowers, I thought, as she walked towards me. Her ankle length skirt flowed lazily, effortlessly, from side to side.  “I recently learned to meditate and I would like for you to learn too. It’s relaxing and healing.” The bright eyed eighteen-year old was eager to share her experience with me.  An introductory meditation class would be held on Thursday. “Bring flowers and fruit to the session and make an appointment with one of the meditation teachers on the college campus,” she said.

I, in my white tennis shorts, shirt, and sneakers, was getting ready to pound the ball across the tennis court. The thought of meditation was unappealing; I identified elsewhere. Anticipating that meditation would somehow change me in ways I would not like, the idea of going to a class was unappealing. However, I could not ignore the inner voice that told me to check it out-to go.

Thank-you Cousin. Since that time, decades ago, I have healed body, mind, and spirit, psychologically and spiritually, and taught meditation to others in hundreds of seminars and workshops. In the process, I demystified the general thinking that in order to meditate correctly one must clear the mind and get rid of all thoughts. In fact when we meditate, we need to follow the path of least resistance and “go with the flow;” passively observing the babbling brook of the mind, the continuous flow of thoughts, gently introducing a word like Relax into the meditation to transcend to quieter more peaceful places, effortlessly, easily.  

Remember when you meditate:

1-You will always have thoughts

2-Gently and silently say the word Relax

3-Allow the word Relax to drift in and out of your mind. Thoughts will drift in and out too.

4-Passively observe them-let them come and go.

5-If it helps listen to soft soothing music.

6-Meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes a day.

-The benefits are enormous. I will talk about them in the next blog.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Inner Guidance

When I was nine years old, my father gave me a special present; a gold ring with two luminous pearls wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. I promised to cherish it forever. Four days later, the shiny gold ring slipped off my finger and was lost under hundreds of leaves that covered the ground on a dreary fall day. “Go back and search for the ring,” my mother said. Even at nine years old, I knew she was placating giving me a job to distract me from the grief and loss of the pearl ring. Retracing my steps back to school, kicking leaves into the air; admiring my new cordovan loafers and the shiny penny pushed into the slit at the top of the shoe, I suddenly felt a “Presence,” the sense of someone standing behind me. A hand on my shoulder and a voice, not mine, but around and above me that said, “Listen and look.” The directive was strong. “Look down,” it commanded, and I did. “Lift up your shoe.” Tentatively, and without any real reason to follow the direction of the inner voice except that I was told to listen and pay attention, I rolled my loafer sideways and lifted the heel. There, three blocks from home, five from school, was the gold and pearl ring. The lost ring now found under hundreds of leaves that blanketed the ground on that gray fall day.

-Mother said angels watch over me.

Over the years, paying attention to my intuition for direction and guidance, the voice of my higher-self intermingled with directives from angels and spiritual guides, is the way I live. Life, I found, works best, when I take time every day to meditate, ask for guidance, and listen to the voice of my higher-self with direction from spiritual guides. As a child it was easier to pay attention and follow the guidance-the innocence and openness of a child. However, as a young adult fourteen years after finding the gold and pearl ring, I began to meditate. The intuitive voice and inner guidance has grown strong.

That’s why I am writing this blog. Take time and meditate. Pay attention to your inner voice, the voice of your higher-self spiritual guides and angels. It will give you the guidance you seek. It is best heard when we set the stage through meditation, prayer, and also through dreams. Inner guidance is always positive, compassionate, kind and supportive. It reminds us of the importance to take time out of the busy day to “Be Still and Know” and listen to the direction you seek.

Write and tell me about your inner guidance, the messages you have received that guided your life or were prophetic, and the development of your intuition for spiritual guidance and psychological and spiritual growth.

Ruth Starseed

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