Recently, during a challenging time, I randomly opened a book to a passage that said, “This too shall pass.” A waking dream message, I thought. This too shall pass was a phrase my mother said when consoling her children through difficult times. Reading the sentence again I felt the Presence of my spiritual guides and angels. A few hours later, I overheard someone at work say, "This too shall pass." Now my spiritual guides had my full attention. I was being reminded that no matter how difficult a situation, my spiritual guides and angels would always be with me. I was not alone.
As a child I was comforted by this phrase. However, during a challenging time perspective is distorted. Fear settles uncomfortably into one’s consciousness pushing out feelings of hope and joy. When this happens there is a loss of contact with the higher self. The little self, the ego, holds tight and wants to steer the boat. Another approach, a counter intuitive move, is to let go and turn it over to a higher power. It takes loosening the grip and trusting that something Greater than the little self, the ego, has a wider more expanded point of view and will guide to safer and calmer waters.
Turning things over and trusting a higher power is difficult for just about everyone. It is natural to want to hold on and force solutions. It is a relief to let go and allow oneself to be guided. The process is not always comfortable. In fact it is quite a stretch to move out of one's comfort zone and trust that something Greater than oneself is guiding towards the best possible outcome. By letting go and releasing the tight grip of the ego you will cope with the roller coaster ride. At some point, all challenging situations change and pass into something new perhaps into something greater and better than you ever imagined!
With love, and light, healing and many blessings,
Ruth Starseed
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