Even though I grew-up with a difficult step-father who married my mother and moved in with us when I was seven years old, I remember remaining a buoyant and happy child. Like most children playing was the way I looked forward to the day. I woke up happy and effectively blocked out the negativity from the household; a heavy energy that predominated bringing with it a general lack of connection between the four people who lived together; my mother, step-father, sister and I. With the exception of my sister who stands out in my mind as brightly colored in contrast to the gray charcoal figures of my mother and step-father lurking in the background, I knew there was nothing I could do about the way they related to me or the way I to them. Nothing was ever going to change and it never did. They would remain punitive and negative. I buoyant and happy. So I tuned them out unless they intruded into my world needing to correct or doubt my abilities to succeed. Perhaps to escape them, at any possible time, I could not wait to get outside and play. Free and unencumbered the outdoors was the place I wanted to be except on rainy days when I recall playing monopoly and checkers indoors sitting on the floor next to my sister. I wanted to win against the older sibling who managed, through the chaos of our lives to get all A's.
School work was not on the top of my agenda. In fact I was never certain what was going on in the classroom. I was behind and learned to fly below the radar keeping my head lower than the person sitting in front of me; perhaps I would not be called on. The three o’clock bell rang and out the school door I flew running the mile home from school to get ready to play. Playing felt good and it was during these free moments that I sensed the familiar presence of my Spiritual Guides always close by ready to help. Like the time I heard the voice of the guides telling me to "Stop" and look down.There was the lost pearl ring lying under thousands of leaves that had fallen on a blustery October day. The presence of my Guides helping, guiding and protecting.
When I grew-up and became an adult challenges increased. I had to work harder to keep the presence of the Spiritual Guides awake in my consciousness. As my unconscious mind spewed up material from childhood for processing and re-examination, it was harder to hold on to the positive energy, the familiar positive presence of the Spiritual Guides. The earth-walk was denser and harder. Still, I sensed their presence as they watched how I made decisions, what path I followed. They gently whispered and guided. Thank-you Spiritual Guides for your loving guiding hand. I am grateful for your loving and healing Presence.
School work was not on the top of my agenda. In fact I was never certain what was going on in the classroom. I was behind and learned to fly below the radar keeping my head lower than the person sitting in front of me; perhaps I would not be called on. The three o’clock bell rang and out the school door I flew running the mile home from school to get ready to play. Playing felt good and it was during these free moments that I sensed the familiar presence of my Spiritual Guides always close by ready to help. Like the time I heard the voice of the guides telling me to "Stop" and look down.There was the lost pearl ring lying under thousands of leaves that had fallen on a blustery October day. The presence of my Guides helping, guiding and protecting.
When I grew-up and became an adult challenges increased. I had to work harder to keep the presence of the Spiritual Guides awake in my consciousness. As my unconscious mind spewed up material from childhood for processing and re-examination, it was harder to hold on to the positive energy, the familiar positive presence of the Spiritual Guides. The earth-walk was denser and harder. Still, I sensed their presence as they watched how I made decisions, what path I followed. They gently whispered and guided. Thank-you Spiritual Guides for your loving guiding hand. I am grateful for your loving and healing Presence.
Ruth Starseed Hoskins
Ruth Starseed Hoskins