Whenever I go into a healing crisis, my natural default mode is panic. Then, I mobilize all of my energy, and begin a rigorous self-help detox program, move the stressors out of my life (promising to be more vigilant to keep them away) and before I know it, I feel more in control. In my life, nothing makes me feel more out of balance then a health issue. Yet, every health crisis always opens new doors. I wish it could be another way like- new doors open without the health crisis. I tell myself that it is definitely in my astrological chart; natal Saturn in Leo on the 7th house cusp now retrograde for the rest of my life in the sixth house of health. Well, to me, a person who loves astrology knows that says it all. So when transiting Saturn in Scorpio squared my natal Saturn in Leo-voila health crisis-and like always, with it a promise of a new door opening. A new and very exciting door! The new door for me is a vigilant program of juicing two times a day, (all organic, kale, carrots, apple, celery, fresh ginger root and garlic) raw foods, lots of fruits and vegetables, prayer three times a day, meditation two times a day. Walking, swimming, and a week in Florida coming up at the Hippocrates Health Institute. I can’t wait. Here’s what I get to look forward to:
1-Lectures on health and healing and alternative modalities by leaders in the field (my field)
2-Superior nutrition through a diet of organically grown, enzyme rich, raw, life-giving foods.
5-Far infrared saunas and steam room
6-Ozone pools with dead-sea salts and Jacuzzi
8-Bio-energy treatments
10-Stress evaluation
So my question to myself is this; why do I wait to do these things? Why do I need a health crisis to wake me up? Anyway, that’s history. From now I pledge to do more of this every week and to go down to West Palm Beach Florida to Hippocrates at least one time a year!
Love, Healing, Light and many Blessings.
Ruth Starseed
1-Lectures on health and healing and alternative modalities by leaders in the field (my field)
2-Superior nutrition through a diet of organically grown, enzyme rich, raw, life-giving foods.
5-Far infrared saunas and steam room
6-Ozone pools with dead-sea salts and Jacuzzi
8-Bio-energy treatments
10-Stress evaluation
So my question to myself is this; why do I wait to do these things? Why do I need a health crisis to wake me up? Anyway, that’s history. From now I pledge to do more of this every week and to go down to West Palm Beach Florida to Hippocrates at least one time a year!
Love, Healing, Light and many Blessings.
Ruth Starseed
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