Even with the understanding that we are all spiritual beings of light reincarnated back to earth for a physical/spiritual experience, the earth-walk can be challenging physically, emotionally and spiritually and sometimes overwhelming. Loss and change brings anxiety and fear. These intense emotional responses throw us off center and make us lose our balance. Adrenaline flows especially when a person experiences a life threatening event; loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, divorce, or illness. During times of loss and during less critical times-being stuck in a traffic jam, or late for work-it makes it difficult to relax and turn it over to a Higher Power. Fear sets in bringing with it rushes of adrenaline that change the chemistry in the body increasing anxiety and fear. A stress cycle begins; fear, adrenaline, anxiety-not pleasant at all are experienced. Affirmations reminding to trust and let go competes with the survival mechanism the fight or flight response. This built in survival mechanism is designed to give us energy to deal with dangerous situations and ensure survival. The repeated ongoing release of adrenaline is not conducive for relaxation, nor is it healthy for the mind or the body. The body remains tense, spiritual contact is lost, and cortisol pours into the blood producing a sticky substance that flows into the arteries. During very stressful times when you don't feel you can do anything to relax, turn it over to a Higher Power of your choosing.
Letting go and letting ourselves be led by our Higher Power is not a passive approach to life. It makes good sense to let go and surrender especially during challenging times. When we surrender, we remember that we are spiritual beings of light reincarnated to earth to have a physical experience. To make the life-walk easier it is best to have a circle of people you trust and that you can reach out during times of crisis and stress.
The Twelve Step programs are an excellent choice and there are many. Most people have heard of AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, but there is also NA Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon and Alateen. Codependents Anonymous addressing relationship issues, ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and Overeaters Anonymous, to name a few all based on the Twelve Step Program for healing. All of the Twelve Step groups are free and spiritually based reminding that the best way to guide your life is by creating a relationship with your personal Higher Power so that you have a guide who is always with you, always loving you, caring and keeping your best interests in Its Heart and Mind as you move along on your healing journey into the Light and Love of God.
Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings
Ruth Starseed
www.Facebook.com/RuthStarseed "Like" on Facebook
Letting go and letting ourselves be led by our Higher Power is not a passive approach to life. It makes good sense to let go and surrender especially during challenging times. When we surrender, we remember that we are spiritual beings of light reincarnated to earth to have a physical experience. To make the life-walk easier it is best to have a circle of people you trust and that you can reach out during times of crisis and stress.
The Twelve Step programs are an excellent choice and there are many. Most people have heard of AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, but there is also NA Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon and Alateen. Codependents Anonymous addressing relationship issues, ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and Overeaters Anonymous, to name a few all based on the Twelve Step Program for healing. All of the Twelve Step groups are free and spiritually based reminding that the best way to guide your life is by creating a relationship with your personal Higher Power so that you have a guide who is always with you, always loving you, caring and keeping your best interests in Its Heart and Mind as you move along on your healing journey into the Light and Love of God.
Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings
Ruth Starseed
www.Facebook.com/RuthStarseed "Like" on Facebook
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