Monday, December 24, 2012

Star Beings

Starseed Light Workers

I am a Starseed Light Worker. A Starseed Light Worker has several characteristics. One of the most important is the inner need to disseminate positive healing information; talking and writing about the spiritual light, love, and assistance that is available from other star systems like the Pleiades, 400 light years from earth for humans. The Pleiades contains over 3000 stars and is a bright star cluster that can be seen from earth. Also known as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiadian Star Beings are advanced beings of light willing to help humans become the brightest possible "light" and to heal their hearts. The Pleiadians along with other star beings from other galaxies are here to teach us to work together in the spirit of goodwill. It begins with opening our hearts and affirming…

I AM a point of Light in the mind of God. 

We are all points of Light in the mind of God.

Love, Light, Healing, and Blessings, Ruth Starseed

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