Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Awakening Starseed

Dreams are a wonderful psychological road to the inner self. Dreams are the way the psychological and spiritual part of us processes issues during sleep. If we pay attention to dreams, we will learn a lot about what is going on inside of ourselves.

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I was driving my car. It kept steering off of the road. I was fighting the steering wheel trying to keep the car on course! No matter how hard I tried, the car had a mind of its own; it wanted to go in the direction that it wanted to go in. It was hard to control the wheel. To make a point, as dreams often do, it segued into another dream scene. Now I was packing to leave for a trip. I was going through customs. On the conveyer belt, my bags had to be carefully placed in a position so that other items behind my luggage could be tossed into my bag. I could not understand why I had to wait and follow this sequence and order of packing my things. The entire process seemed complicated. It really did not make sense. Why couldn't I just throw the clothing into the bag? Why did I have to stand there patiently and wait for this complicated mechanism to sort things out? I wanted things to hurry along. I wanted to do it my way. I heard a man in the customs line say, “People from your country make things harder on themselves.” I felt startled by the comment and somewhat insulted. I was being categorized and it was not fair. I was not the typical person who had to hurry things along…or so I thought.

In the morning, the meaning of the dream became clear. I had to stop forcing the direction of my life but get back on course and do my life’s work, my purpose; that which was assigned to me before my birth to be carried out during this incarnation in earth. My work, my purpose, is the work of the Starseed; bringing people information that all people everywhere on earth are spiritual beings of light. I am aware that there is a lot of darkness on earth and that it is hard to believe that a misguided and mean human being is a spiritual being of light. However, underneath layers of negativity, unhappiness and meanness, lies a spiritual being of light.

Starseeds, bring information about the Pleidians advanced spiritual beings of light that help Starseeds remember and manifest a loving consciousness on earth. Starseeds carry a blueprint, a trace memory of having lived in other star systems in the Universe. Starseeds have reincarnated on other planets including the Pleiades. In these star systems, Starseeds receive training on spirituality, unity, oneness, unconditional love, and the importance of group consciousness while still expressing individuality on earth. The Starseed Pleiadian message is not a religion but an awakening into the awareness that we are all spiritual beings of light on earth.

Love, Light, Healings, and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Miracles Abound

Walking down the street, the sun sends streams of light through the trees casting shadows on the asphalt that forms dozens of interesting shapes dancing across the ground. Everything is in bloom. Spring is here. The grass is green, the flowers are blossoming purples, oranges, pinks and whites. In the morning, a light dewy mist lightly covers the grass making everything brighter, clearer, cleaner, greener and sweeter to look at. The sky is a deep bright blue and cloudless. In the morning, 5 AM to be exact, the birds wake up the neighborhood with their joyful song. At 8 PM they sing another song; a softer mellower tune that says nighttime is on the way. In the night sky, the moon slowly rises and reflects the light from the sun reminding that even in the darkest times there is still light on earth and that miracles abound.

There are miracles all around; miracles in families when unexpected healing takes place. Prayers that are answered-unanswered prayers are for the best. An unseen more positive path is about to unfold. What gets in the way of seeing miracles are fears that take hold in the mind and heart. Sometimes fear roots itself deeply in a person’s psyche-not a healthy way to live. Fear holds a person hostage as the worst is imagined and the “what if” scenario is played out in one's mind. Often, however, the “what ifs” never happen. However, sometimes bad things do occur. But we cannot sit and worry and wait. It is best to go through the day looking for the good, counting blessings, and seeing the miracles of life.
Here’s how I set up my day so that my mind can accept the beauty in life.

1- Getting a good night's sleep is essential so the next day is balanced.

2- After the morning shower and a glass of water with lemon, I sit down and meditate, the effortless meditation, allowing thoughts to come and go. Passively observing them is easy to do. Fifteen to thirty minutes is all that is needed.

3- Invite in the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit, The ECK.

4- A morning walk comes next, 15 to 30 minutes.

5- On the walk, breathe deeply and consciously. Observe surroundings and acknowledge the miracles of nature.

6- Smile. Smiling increases endorphins the feel good chemicals in the body.

7- Count blessings.

8- Look for the good.

9- Send love and gratitude to the Divine.

10- During the day, acknowledge your own divinity and the divine in everyone.

The mind can be retrained to focus on the positive but it does take work. It is the nature of the mind to drift, to complain, to worry etc. With the thousands of thoughts that go through one’s mind every day, it is neither advisable nor possible to control them. Control is not the answer. Passively observing thoughts letting them come and go just like in meditation is the easiest thing to do. Then re-direct thoughts towards words like thankfulness, gratitude, love, happiness, and goodwill. Set up your day with behavior modification techniques that positively direct thoughts. Then you will see that miracles all around.

Love, Light, Healing and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Find Your Smile and Feel the Joy

Found my smile today. It was buried under a pile of chores; dog walks, cleaning, shopping, work, and all of the worries that accompany a day. When did I lose it? When did I tuck it away; no longer something that came freely the way it did when I was a child? The carefree after school days when I could not wait to come home, change into play clothing, and run out back to play with the boys. A tomb-boy I was and good at it. I kept up with the best of them; played football and baseball. Bases loaded, I hit the home run. Hide and seek and pinky ball against the wall were my favorites. At dusk, the mysterious shapes and shadows said it was time to go inside. Slowly, and somewhat begrudgingly, I walked towards the house wondering why the day and the carefreeness of play had to end. Still, as a child, I was able to find my smile. Tomorrow was another day of play. And true to form, after school, I was the first kid out in the alley knocking on neighbor's doors letting the  kids know that it was time to come out and play. Somewhere along way into adulthood, I lost the carefree way I used to play, and in the process I lost my smile. Perhaps it was after the first, or was it the second divorce, or the death of my third husband. Maybe it was the years watching him struggle through rounds of chemo and radiation knowing the futility of that type of cure for him. Perhaps it was after his estate was divided for his kids-difficult children to please. Or maybe it was after 911and the support groups I ran soothing other’s worries, containing my own.

However, today, I found my smile again, and when I did my heart overflowed with joy-a different kind of joy than I felt when I bounced the pinky ball over and over against the wall. It was the joy of knowing that I have a Higher Power that is forever connected to me. A Higher Power that has been with me through-out my life; through the hard times, the easier times, the tired times, the manic times. A Higher Power that has been, and always will be there with me, guiding, encouraging and moving me forward, opening and easing my mind and heart reminding me to let go, relax, enjoy the moment, and to smile.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Invite Higher Power Into Your Day

Most people’s day begins with a quick shower, gulping down a cup of coffee, running out the door and coping with a long and stressful morning commute; then on the job with all of its demands and long twelve hour days. Back home, a microwave dinner will suffice. Collapsing into bed, lap top on lap, TV on. Last minute emails sent as work finishes for the day. Eventually sleep takes over only to begin the day all over again in the same way.

In order to have a great day, one in which you feel confident and certain that you are on track and feel balanced and happy. Begin your day by inviting Higher Power into your day. Before you get out of bed, take a deep breath in and exhale twice as long, slowly, and evenly. This simple breathing technique centers the mind and body. It begins daily alignment. It sends a message to your Higher Self that you are getting ready to invite It into your day. From this quieter and more centered place, invite Higher Power into your day. Say these words. “I invite my Higher Power into my day. Today, I align with the higher purposes of my Higher Power. In spiritual alignment, I anticipate having a great day. A day where I great everyone I meet with love, and healing, knowing that I am being guided to express the best that is in me. Guide me today and help me to bring out the best in myself and in others. When my buttons are pushed, help me to contain my reactivity. I ask my Higher Power to keep me and my loved one’s safe. I ask my Higher Power to help me be grateful and to enjoy the day. I ask my Higher Power to help me appreciate all that I have right now in this moment-the next moment is not going to be any greater than the one that I am in right now.” In closing this invitation to Higher Power say thank-you. I am grateful.

Gratefully, Love, Light, Healing, Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Walking Lunch. Put Yourself in Your Day

As I child I loved playing outdoors. Playing was more important than coming in for dinner. Doing homework-forget it! I wanted to play and play, and play some more. Hide and seek, football, baseball, pinky ball against the wall; riding my bike-anything but coming in to the house and buckling down to do homework. I loved to play and take time for me. At ten years old, I had no problem putting myself first in my day. Now, as an adult, I have to be reminded to put myself in my day and play. I know it is best not to wait until the doctor says slow down, do some stress management technique, walk, swim, Pilates, tennis, yoga-there is no shortage of ways to get active and have fun and play. Too often, however, we put ourselves last or not at all in our day. We work through lunch or eat at our desk typing away at the computer and answering phones. When asked, “Can we make this a working lunch?” It is frowned upon to say no. We continue to work.

Next time you are asked to work through lunch ask, “How about making it a Walking Lunch? Or a lunch where we meditate together and catch a cat nap? (Which is often what meditation turns in to for most tired people; it really is wonderful to rest and even sleep in meditation. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!)

Most of us make time for everyone and everything else. The dog needs a walk, food, water, a vet visit, a comfortable place to lie down. There is always something up with the kids or grand-kids. Then there is the house that needs repairing the lawn needs to be mowed-endless chores. Everything and everyone else comes first.

How do you get yourself in to your day; not your significant other’s day, or your child’s day, or friend’s day, but your day? (What a concept?) The question I ask myself every day, is how can I make sure that I do something special just for me, every day? If you are at home or at work make it a walking lunch break day. Go for a walk for 15 minutes. On the walk, take in deep conscious breathes, inhaling and exhaling. Swing your arms high like a soldier. Movement oxygenates and stretches the body. I guarantee you that when you return to your desk you will feel better, more balanced, and tuned in to the voice of your intuition directing you towards a more balanced healed and whole life.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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