Saturday, December 28, 2013

Grateful for Lessons Learned: Looking Back 2013

On January 1st 2013, if someone had given me a glimpse of the future, I might have pulled the covers over my head and stayed in bed. There were many lessons I learned this year, many challenging albeit worthwhile for me to grow and change. In fact, lessons, as they are designed to do, propelled me onto a stronger spiritual course. For this, I am grateful. Now, as 2014 is almost here, it is a time for review.

Lessons learned:
1- I learned I have absolutely unequivocally no control over anyone’s behavior.
2- Everyone is responsible for creating their own destiny. I am not in charge.
3- I learned that God is in charge of everything and that the only thing that makes sense in terms of co-creatorship (a spiritual principle I believe in) is that I have control over my attitude.
4- The direction of my life? I must wait, in faith, for direction from my Higher Power. As of this writing, the direction arrived and was confirmed in a dream. I am grateful for that.
5- Since I have control over my attitude, what I believe and the way that I think, I am grateful to let go of psychological things that no longer serve me.
6- I am giving up all resentments past and present. I remind myself to live and let live. Thinking this way is an act of forgiveness.
7- Self-care is at the top of the list. Yes, I like to help others, but I need more than an hour each day to take care of my meditation, prayer, walking, and preparing organic vegetables for juicing.
8- To this end I completely changed my diet and eat 95% organic. 80% raw. Lots of greens and juicing with my special juicing machines.
9 -I never miss my 30 minute 1.3 mile walk daily.
10- I really cherish the time taking care of myself.
11- I learned that service to another is by far the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to another person. To this end I have added on to the Red Cross volunteering to feed the homeless at the Sunday Mission. When I am there I am reminded over and over of the many blessings in my life. I am grateful.
12- I am putting together a new service project for 2014. More on that….
13- I am so grateful for all of my blessings that I now speak aloud to God as I walk down the street. I thank, and I thank, and I thank again. I have so many blessings that I can’t stop thanking Higher Power for all of them.
14- There is a path of compassion and I am on it. This means that I want to continue to develop compassion and live in that consciousness the best that I can.
15- Besides the meditation that I do daily and that I have been doing for forty years, I pray every day for healing for myself, my family, loved ones, friends, and the world.
16- Prayer brings miracles and the greatest miracle is that I have control over my consciousness to make it what I want it to be every minute, every second of every day. It takes a conscious effort of integrating body, mind, and spirit.
17- Did I say I was grateful for all of the new things in my life?
18- Every day, in meditation, I invite Higher Power into my life. I say aloud. “I invite you in. I know you are there facing me, and now I am turning and facing you. Help me to speak kind words and to remember that everyone has their own Higher Power and I am not it.”
19- And every day I remind myself that in “reality” I am Soul on an earth walk. This lifetime is one of thousands of incarnations that I have lived as Soul on this planet and in other places in the solar system; a powerful incarnation designed for spiritual growth. Meditation and prayer brings me closer to the awareness, the knowledge, that I am a spiritual being of light on an earth walk. I am Soul.
20-Love is everything. Striving to be the most loving person (not ignoring emotional challenges) is the most important thing to do.
I love you!
I wish you all many many blessings for an abundant 2014!

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,
Ruth Starseed Hoskins