Saturday, December 28, 2013

Grateful for Lessons Learned: Looking Back 2013

On January 1st 2013, if someone had given me a glimpse of the future, I might have pulled the covers over my head and stayed in bed. There were many lessons I learned this year, many challenging albeit worthwhile for me to grow and change. In fact, lessons, as they are designed to do, propelled me onto a stronger spiritual course. For this, I am grateful. Now, as 2014 is almost here, it is a time for review.

Lessons learned:
1- I learned I have absolutely unequivocally no control over anyone’s behavior.
2- Everyone is responsible for creating their own destiny. I am not in charge.
3- I learned that God is in charge of everything and that the only thing that makes sense in terms of co-creatorship (a spiritual principle I believe in) is that I have control over my attitude.
4- The direction of my life? I must wait, in faith, for direction from my Higher Power. As of this writing, the direction arrived and was confirmed in a dream. I am grateful for that.
5- Since I have control over my attitude, what I believe and the way that I think, I am grateful to let go of psychological things that no longer serve me.
6- I am giving up all resentments past and present. I remind myself to live and let live. Thinking this way is an act of forgiveness.
7- Self-care is at the top of the list. Yes, I like to help others, but I need more than an hour each day to take care of my meditation, prayer, walking, and preparing organic vegetables for juicing.
8- To this end I completely changed my diet and eat 95% organic. 80% raw. Lots of greens and juicing with my special juicing machines.
9 -I never miss my 30 minute 1.3 mile walk daily.
10- I really cherish the time taking care of myself.
11- I learned that service to another is by far the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to another person. To this end I have added on to the Red Cross volunteering to feed the homeless at the Sunday Mission. When I am there I am reminded over and over of the many blessings in my life. I am grateful.
12- I am putting together a new service project for 2014. More on that….
13- I am so grateful for all of my blessings that I now speak aloud to God as I walk down the street. I thank, and I thank, and I thank again. I have so many blessings that I can’t stop thanking Higher Power for all of them.
14- There is a path of compassion and I am on it. This means that I want to continue to develop compassion and live in that consciousness the best that I can.
15- Besides the meditation that I do daily and that I have been doing for forty years, I pray every day for healing for myself, my family, loved ones, friends, and the world.
16- Prayer brings miracles and the greatest miracle is that I have control over my consciousness to make it what I want it to be every minute, every second of every day. It takes a conscious effort of integrating body, mind, and spirit.
17- Did I say I was grateful for all of the new things in my life?
18- Every day, in meditation, I invite Higher Power into my life. I say aloud. “I invite you in. I know you are there facing me, and now I am turning and facing you. Help me to speak kind words and to remember that everyone has their own Higher Power and I am not it.”
19- And every day I remind myself that in “reality” I am Soul on an earth walk. This lifetime is one of thousands of incarnations that I have lived as Soul on this planet and in other places in the solar system; a powerful incarnation designed for spiritual growth. Meditation and prayer brings me closer to the awareness, the knowledge, that I am a spiritual being of light on an earth walk. I am Soul.
20-Love is everything. Striving to be the most loving person (not ignoring emotional challenges) is the most important thing to do.
I love you!
I wish you all many many blessings for an abundant 2014!

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,
Ruth Starseed Hoskins

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tug of War with Higher Power: Everything is at it should be.

I have been in a tug of war with my Higher Power. I wonder who will win. The real question however is why I am in a tug of war at all with my Higher Power? No doubt it is resistance to my changing life, my changing process coupled with getting older and feeling the preciousness of time slowly running out; a candle burning down to the end. I think to myself, “If Higher Power doesn’t hurry up and bring me what I think I need to fulfill my destiny, time could run out. I could die!” Those are the silent private conversations I have with my Higher Power. The underlying fear being death and at the same time questioning whether the direction in my life (Has Higher Power made a mistake?) is correct. Knowing that ultimately everything is at it should be. However those words, (truths) are not consoling. Everything as it should be only briefly consoles me, then the tug of war begins again. Here’s the image: God has a hold of one side of a braided rope and I have hold of the other side of the rope. Like a seesaw we are tugging, pulling, tugging, pulling-wasted effort, futile, really. At the clearer spiritual times I am aware that everything is as it should be and that in “reality” everything is an illusion; molecules and atoms spinning rapidly. I remind myself that I, including my thoughts, make-up this molecular structure-atomic illusion. Also, at moments of clarity, I know that God is everything penetrating every single molecule and atom. So who am I to argue with Higher Power and why bother?

Here’s a dream I had this morning that says it all.

In the dream I looked over at my fish tank (In waking reality I don’t have a fish tank). At the bottom of the tank was a dead fish. I was shocked. How could I be so neglectful of my fish? Had the water dried up? Where was the food? I was startled by my lack of awareness especially around anything that has to do with caretaking a pet. In the dream, I ran to the pet store and bought food. When I came back I noticed that there was a fish swimming around at the top of the tank. It looked a bit scaly like it might have some skin problem. Still it was alive. The fish at the bottom of the tank remained dead. Its presence was shocking. It was a mystery how it died because there was water in the tank. (Did I forget to feed the fish?)

 I interpreted the dream in several ways, (Ahhh….the beauty and importance of writing dreams down). The obvious interpretation is that a part of me feels dead inside; another part feels very much alive. But the dream also showed me the illusion of life. Even after we die, (the dead fish) we are still very much alive living in similar ways that we live right now. (Although a s painful separation from loved ones, death is an illusion). The third interpretation, and the one that feels closest to my psychological/spiritual place right now, is that the fish and the water (universal symbols of spirituality) represent a new emerging spirituality. As things change, the old has to die to allow for a new life to unfold. (The new life is the fish at the top of the tank). In the physical, I have to let go and surrender completely (feels like a death) and stop the tug of war. I must (no choice) allow myself to be guided by my Higher Power, the Holy Spirit, the ECK, so many names for That Which Is.
Thank-you Holy Spirit.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Surrendering: Delving Deeper into Spirituality

Thirteen years old and ready for bat mitzvah, I asked the rabbi, “Can we learn about Jesus?" Part rebellion, but mostly curious and sincere, I did not know then, what I know now- in previous lifetimes I lived as a cloistered nun loving the Great Master Teacher known to Christians around the world as the Son of God, known to me in this lifetime as someone to love and to emulate. Although I was not raised Christian, nor was Jesus talked about in our home, I think about Jesus often. In fact, I think about Jesus every day. When I reflect on the meaning of surrendering to Higher Power, I  think about the wise and different things Jesus said: On surrendering he said, “I can of my own self do nothing, for I seek not my own will but the Will of the Father.”

Powerful words that will always be true. The words of the Great Master Teacher Jesus Christ hold true no matter what century we live in, or religion or belief we hold; the bottom line is that we will not move forward in life in a loving and positive way without the will and intention of a Higher Power-the Will of the Father as Jesus said. We all need something to lean on. Surrendering to Higher Power is the best way no matter how you conceptualize your Higher Power. Personally, and after much searching, I am drawn to the New Age idea of Christ as a Divine loving and forgiving Consciousness. A way of living life that is available for us all to aspire to; we are all son's and daughter's of God. Developing a loving and forgiving consciousness is a direct route to making conscious contact with one's Higher Power.

I like to study dreams. They take me deeper into my spirituality. To make a strong point, a recent dream brought this information. In the dream I was on an operating table at a local hospital, Roxborough Hospital. The operation was going to be performed in the basement. I was in a poorer section of the city where they did surgery in the basement. I was about to be anesthetized. I noticed that the walls of the operating room were brownish. The tiles were smooth and grimy looking like you might see in a bathroom in a subway. Still, I had to trust that the surgeons knew what they were doing and that I was in good hands. On the operating table I felt helpless; I had to surrender. The doctor was unfamiliar; I did not totally trust his skill. Still, I was on his operating table. I had to let go and not resist the operation. The operation was going to take place no matter what I did. Surrender was the key to success and at that  point there was no choice. The doctor gave me anesthesia and in the dream. I prayed to Babaji an Eastern Guru I studied about in the past.

In the dream I surrendered to the operation. In waking reality, when I surrender to Higher Power, I imagine myself waving a white flag signaling my need for help-someone, or something, to lean on. At those tired times, in those tired moments, I know I cannot do anything without the strength and direction of my Higher Power. This was the case in the dream.

After the operation, I got up and walked around the basement of the hospital. There were many people in the basement including interns learning new skills. I looked out the window onto a small yard. I was glad there was a window to enjoy the scenery. The yard was filled with green trees, a small lawn and shrubs. The message in the dream was that there was hope for the future. In the dream, I was the patient and had to completely (no half-way measures) wave the white flag and surrender to experience a deeper spirituality and connection to my Higher Power.

“Why art thou troubled because things do not succeed with thee according to thy desire? Who is there who hath all things according to his will? Neither I, nor thou, nor any man upon earth.”

Thomas A’Kempis.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Controlling the Uncontrollable

Trying to control something that is out of my control makes me lose faith and worse, I wonder if Higher Power does not have my best interests at heart. By trying to control what I cannot control-another person’s life- their journey, their direction in life, is an act in futility-it is not going to happen-ever. When I start thinking that I know best and have answers for another person I have to let go, take a deep breath, and remind myself that it is God’s show, not mine. Every minute of every day I must remind myself of this truth; I have to wake up and go to sleep with this thought in mind. If I don’t keep this thought in the front of my mind, or if I think that my will is stronger than Divine Will, I will suffer.

The challenge is I want to know how everything is going to turn out. I want everything to be okay! I want the outcome to be positive and perfect, but first I want the outcome written on a large piece of paper and handed down to me from above, or at the least, put in sky writing so I know my loved ones are safe and secure and that eventually everything will right itself. Since that is wishful thinking, I have to surrender and let go. Otherwise, the anxiety of trying to control the uncontrollable is unbearable.


It is at this point of suffering that I have to let go and surrender what seems impossible to do. I have to surrender the fear and anxiety and place it in God’s hands whatever the outcome. As the well-known preacher and positive thinker Joel Osteen says, “It is easy to have faith when things are going well.” Much harder when there is waiting and watching and hoping and praying for a positive outcome. Of course other people have to create their own positive result. It is out of my control.

So for today, I am letting go of what is impossible to control, the uncontrollable.

Love, Light, Healing and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed


Friday, October 11, 2013

During Challenging Times Keep Moving

It takes a conscious effort to build good habits. During hard times, the good habits are life-savers. When the hard times come, and there will always be hard times, the good habits sustain through loss, grief, divorce, illness; life does not stop, nor does it slow down and wait for us to finish grieving. Our strong self-care habits see us through. When the challenges come, our job is to not to come to a standstill although the tendency is to pull the covers over our head. During the challenging times keep moving.

When we experience loss the tendency is to withdraw and do nothing. We are stressed, sad, lonely, anxious, depressed and grieving. This is Nature's way to slow us down and reintegrate physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  If, however, we are grieving and do nothing for a long period of time, the physical stress of grieving increases stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine. Too much cortisol released in the body increases inflammation and disease. Illness can result. Stress needs to be managed and stress hormones need to be released using exercise, drinking fresh water and eating whole organic (when possible) foods and practicing meditation. It is best to keep moving; go for a walk, a swim, Pilates, yoga, and do something active. It helps balance the stress. Here’s what I do. Even when not in the mood to go for the walk or a swim, the good habits developed over the years push me forward.

1-In the morning, every day I make a green smoothie filled with chlorophyll. It is made up of celery and kale and ginger and cucumber and wheat grass. I mix it all together and enjoy the wonderful life force that comes from eating fresh organic “live food.” For variety, I sometimes use the Vita Mix and throw all the vegetables into the machine adding blueberries or blackberries to the morning drink.

2-That is followed by a 30 minute meditation and then a 30 minute walk that includes deep breathing. Twice a week I go for a swim.

3-Every morning I pray using the techniques in the book The Healing Code.

4-Daily I write my dreams. Dreams are portals to inner insights and inner worlds. There is much to be learned from dreams.

Most importantly, it is important to build good habits daily, especially during the easier times in life. When the challenging times come, and they will, we can meet them with confidence knowing that our good habits, the ones we developed during the slow and easier times will sustain us through the harder more challenging times helping to maintain equilibrium and balance.

Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed "Like" on Facebook

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Nanosecond of Divine Timing

I would like to think that I can be grateful all of the time for both the blessings and the hardships. But during the challenging times, I slip back into feelings of fear and forget that my Higher Power is in charge down to the last nanosecond. (A nanosecond is one billionth of a second) Since I can’t comprehend what one billionth of a second looks or feels like, I have no choice but to take a step back and spiritually surrender. In other words, “turn it over” to a Higher Power. When I do so, I can vaguely conceptualize the nanosecond of Divine Timing. Higher Power has the first, middle, and last moves in my life-in all our lives orchestrating the finest details. Looking back over the bigger events in my life; getting accepted to graduate school; having children; getting married, divorced and then re-married, I see the hand of God and I see the nanosecond of Divine Timing. However, when I am waiting for a new cycle to begin, wondering what is next and asking myself, “Am I going in the right direction?” I lose perspective and sometimes absurdly believe that God may have forgotten me-impossibility.

In respect to the nanosecond of Divine Timing, I never would have met and married my husband if he and I had not lived in the same neighborhood and belonged to the same gym. (He was born overseas. I had moved several times. I lived in several different States.) I had seen him at the gym before he finally asked for my telephone number. Reluctantly, I gave it to him. I was not interested in another relationship, in fact at that time, I could not imagine being with anyone ever again. But God had other ideas for me. That day, in the gym, the nanosecond of Divine Timing had arrived for a bigger event, a change in my life. In tiny print, I hesitantly, wrote my number on the inside of a match book cover, hardly readable. Luckily for me he called. Soon we began dating and had thirteen wonderful years together. Then, God had other plans for both of us. I watched his life come to a close as I helped him in the hospice during his last days and hours on earth.

Now, four years later, having had a myriad of many new life lessons, I remind myself that Divine Timing down to the last nanosecond brings all things in Its own time. In other words, I cannot push the river. I can however, learn to be grateful for all of the lessons I am learning and have learned, different from what I anticipated at this time in my life. Some days are more challenging than others. Then, I mediate more frequently, pray, and tap into my creativity by writing-my favorite thing to do. Or listen to an inspirational CD, or go for a walk or a swim. Juicing twice a day is an important part of how I approach my day and look forward to. Every day I remind myself that God, Higher Power is in charge of my life. I am in charge of my attitude and for this reason I am a co-creator with my Higher Power. To this end, it is important to stay positive, be grateful for what is in front of me, help others, and live in the moment waiting for the nanosecond of Divine Timing to bring the bigger events, not more important events however, into my life.

Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed "Like" on Facebook

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Life after Death: Healing Hands of Light from the Other Side

There are spiritual beings of light who work with us and help heal us from the other side; people who are deceased but who continue to help others here on earth. I know this is a hard concept to grasp; Light Beings who continue working on our behalf helping people in the physical body. Deceased relatives, friends, healers, spiritual guides and angels interested in us, our healing, and our life. However it is true. They are God's messengers; they don't want us to suffer and if we are open to it, will guide us to find healing as they deliver healing light from the other side.

I have had contact with deceased relatives directing me to find things; unfinished business that needed to be done, paper work, envelopes that were placed in drawers where the deceased relative directed me to find them. It is a hard concept to believe; it challenges traditional religion that talks about life after death in a much different way. But once you make contact with the other side and have relatives tell you in both the waking and dream state what happens on the other side, you will understand this reality- this truth.

Before going to sleep, ask your relatives to come to you in a dream. (A primary way of making contact). Then listen to the dream and write it down. The deceased will tell you what is going on in their daily life and they will help you in you life. Life continues on after death. Although the transition from this life leaving loved ones will always be difficult, when our time comes, our relatives and loved ones wait for us with open arms on the other side.

The other day, on the massage table, I briefly fell asleep and had a vision. Hands of light, diamond and ruby covered hands were healing me from the other side. In that moment, I was with the healer from the other side. If, at that moment, I had crossed over, that would have been my new reality. It was as real as anything on this side of life. But most importantly, I saw, once again, that there are healers, deceased people who continue to do their work from the other side. Seeing the healing hands of light felt wonderful-it was real. The diamond and ruby covered hands of light were sending healing energy. I awoke and was back in my body with a vivid "dream" a vision of a Spiritual Being of Light with diamond and ruby hands healing me from the other side.

Thank-you and bless you healing hands of Light.

Blessings, Love, Light and Healing on your journey,

Love, Ruth Starseed

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Quick Stress Reducing Tips

Excessive unmanaged stress can and does wreak havoc on the body, mind, and spirit. Running around all day without taking down time not only increases a person’s stress but it can cause illness. I believe that we do have at least fifteen minutes of down time every day for ourselves.

Ask yourself these questions. Why am I taking care of everybody else leaving no time for myself. Why do I run from home, to job, to picking up children, carpooling, arranging children’s social schedules leaving no down time for myself? The answer is you are the last priority on your “to do” list.

We are meant to have down time. Down time gives a person time to think about their life. During down time we ask ourselves questions and we listen for answers. Down time gives us a much needed rest. Having a reasonable amount of quality down time every day written down in a Day Timers just like you would write down an important meeting on the calendar, is a must for your health and for your well-being. Without it you run the risk of increasing your stress.

Quick stress reducing tips.
Breathing- Close your eyes. Gently, put your attention on your breath. Mentally, follow the air in through your nose and down your throat warming your body. Exhale slowly. When your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your breath. Do this anytime, at your desk, at home for 1-3 minutes. Then relax naturally.

Meditation-Close your eyes. Breathe. Follow the breath, inhaling, exhaling, slowly, telling yourself to relax. Let the word “Relax,” come into your mind. The word Relax will drift out of your mind and in again. Effortlessly say Relax, Release. Relax, Release. Relax, Release. Meditate for 15 minutes to 20 minutes one time a day. Slowly, bring yourself out of meditation taking from 3-5 minutes.

A Progressive Relaxation-Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Begin breathing, inhaling, exhaling, gently and with awareness. Begin with the bottom of your feet. Tighten, and then relax your feet. Move your attention up your body to your legs, belly, buttocks, neck, shoulders, arms, face, gently tightening, holding for a few seconds, and then releasing. Sit quietly. Take from 3-5 minutes, and slowly open your eyes.

Love, Healing, Light and Many Blessings.

Ruth Starseed


Monday, August 19, 2013

Healing Crisis-Take Charge of your Life!

Whenever I go into a healing crisis, my natural default mode is panic. Then, I mobilize all of my energy, and begin a rigorous self-help detox program, move the stressors out of my life (promising to be more vigilant to keep them away) and before I know it, I feel more in control. In my life, nothing makes me feel more out of balance then a health issue. Yet, every health crisis always opens new doors. I wish it could be another way like- new doors open without the health crisis. I tell myself that it is definitely in my astrological chart; natal Saturn in Leo on the 7th house cusp now retrograde for the rest of my life in the sixth house of health. Well, to me, a person who loves astrology knows that says it all. So when transiting Saturn in Scorpio squared my natal Saturn in Leo-voila health crisis-and like always, with it a promise of a new door opening. A new and very exciting door! The new door for me is a vigilant program of juicing two times a day, (all organic, kale, carrots, apple, celery, fresh ginger root and garlic) raw foods, lots of fruits and vegetables, prayer three times a day, meditation two times a day. Walking, swimming, and a week in Florida coming up at the Hippocrates Health Institute. I can’t wait. Here’s what I get to look forward to:
1-Lectures on health and healing and alternative modalities by leaders in the field (my field)

 2-Superior nutrition through a diet of organically grown, enzyme rich, raw, life-giving foods.



 5-Far infrared saunas and steam room

 6-Ozone pools with dead-sea salts and Jacuzzi


 8-Bio-energy treatments


 10-Stress evaluation

 So my question to myself is this; why do I wait to do these things? Why do I need a health crisis to wake me up? Anyway, that’s history. From now I pledge to do more of this every week and to go down to West Palm Beach Florida to Hippocrates at least one time a year!

Love, Healing, Light and many Blessings.

 Ruth Starseed

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What happens on the other side after we die?

If you believe in reincarnation you might wonder what you do in-between incarnations-while waiting for your next assignment, so to speak, on the other-side. What happens on the other side after we die? We continue to study and learn in the Halls of Learning and libraries and schools. There are places to advance musical studies, art work, or healing work. There is everything on the other-side that there is on this side. If you helped people when you were in this incarnation, you will be drawn to helping people after you die. Life, after death, continues on. Of course we miss our loved ones and they miss us. Loss of a loved one cannot be minimized. During the time of loss, the grief process is real and very painful. But life continues on. Here’s a dream I had about my husband a few days after he died.

In the dream, he and I were walking together on a pier. I was by his side. He looked healthy like he did when we were away together on a trip. He was wearing his black jacket and red baseball cap. I said to him, “You are healthy and healed. You look great, amazing. We have to tell people, the doctors. What did it? What finally healed you?” I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. When he was sick, he had been treated both traditionally and holistically. I wondered what had finally cured him. The dream was real. My husband was his usually quiet grounded self. He said to me, “I am healed. I am here on the other side and I am healed.” I could not get over it! I said to him, “I am really with you and you are really healed. This is so real that there is no reason to even think this is a dream! Matter to fact,” I said to him in the dream, “I am going to try and wake-up.” In my mind I was absolutely certain that I would not wake-up. I was with my husband and we were walking together. To test this reality, I shook myself and woke-up.

Dreams are portals to inner worlds. When we sleep at night we take a journey. We meet spiritual beings of Light, our guides, and healers who have crossed over and who help us. We continue to grow and learn even at night in our dreams.

If you want to catch a dream, become intentional. Put a dream journal by your bed. Ask a question you want an answer to. Write down any information, images, or direction you have received in the dream. The inner portals through dreams are a wonderful way to help solve problems and make contact with people on the other side.

Love, Light, Healing and many Blessings,
Ruth Starseed

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Night Time Dreams Guide Your Life

Dreams have always guided my life. If you want information while you sleep, set your intention and pay attention to your dreams.

When we sleep, our spiritual or astral bodies move away from the sleeping body and explore other realms of consciousness. This is not a phenomenon that happens to a select few. This happens to everyone every night during sleep. During sleep, the mind and body rest and heal, and the spiritual or astral body explores and visits places and people from other dimensions in time. The spiritual body visits the Halls of Wisdom, Temples of Learning, Temples of Healing and the akashic records. Although most people are unaware of the learning and exploration that goes on in dreams, the spiritual information is brought back to the waking state and slowly digested and integrated into waking life. The result is that intuition is developed, and a deeper spiritual wisdom is accessed and accelerated.

In several dreams, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light traveled with me in my dream body. “We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and have been with you on earth many times through several incarnations. We have lived amongst earth people, intermingling with humans. You are a Starseed and carry a message of light and love.”

There were other dreams and messages. In a dream, a mountain of quartz crystals tumbled down and blanketed me with protection, healing, and light. I awoke with insight and began writing For Starseeds: Healing the Heart—Pleiadian Crystal Meditations.

At that time, night time learning was accelerated. Advanced spiritual beings of light taught me how to help sick people. Dreams intensified; an electrical charge, a laser beam of vibrating green healing light, rippled down my arm into a woman’s body, healing her heart. She and I were connected. She was healed. The radiating healing light and the intensity of information channeled from the Spiritual Guides and Masters, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light intensified in the dream. The room shook. In the dream, I was told, “You are a Starseed. Become a conscious channel for healing.”

When the healing was complete, the woman sat up, looked around the room, and got off the table. A Pleiadian Emissary of Light spoke and said that the primary mission of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light on earth is to awaken Starseeds and move them toward the awareness of the Light within.

In another more recent dream, I was given information about a past life. In the dream, I was traveling at an accelerated rate. I looked to my right and heard a voice say, “You are passing the Edmond Monastery.” In waking reality, I never heard of the Edmond Monastery. In the morning, I discovered that the monastery does indeed exist. In past lives, I have lived a cloistered life and am drawn to that way of living in this life. Often, what we are drawn to in this life, points to where we have lived before. In this past life dream, I was visiting a place I had lived before.

At night, before bed, bring a dream journal by your bed. In the morning, write down anything and everything you remember-even the smallest bit of dream material gives lots of information to the dreamer. Before you go to sleep, set your intention and you will become the dreamer that will visit other places, meet with your spiritual guides, and enjoy the journey with your Dream Master-your Higher Self that has a 360 degree point of view.

Love, Light, Healing, and many blessings,
Ruth Starseed

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Healing Journey

Even with the understanding that we are all spiritual beings of light reincarnated back to earth for a physical/spiritual experience, the earth-walk can be challenging physically, emotionally and spiritually and sometimes overwhelming. Loss and change brings anxiety and fear. These intense emotional responses throw us off center and make us lose our balance. Adrenaline flows especially when a person experiences a life threatening event; loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, divorce, or illness. During times of loss and during less critical times-being stuck in a traffic jam, or late for work-it makes it difficult to relax and turn it over to a Higher Power. Fear sets in bringing with it rushes of adrenaline that change the chemistry in the body increasing anxiety and fear. A stress cycle begins; fear, adrenaline, anxiety-not pleasant at all are experienced. Affirmations reminding to trust and let go competes with the survival mechanism the fight or flight response. This built in survival mechanism is designed to give us energy to deal with dangerous situations and ensure survival. The repeated ongoing release of adrenaline is not conducive for relaxation, nor is it healthy for the mind or the body. The body remains tense, spiritual contact is lost, and cortisol pours into the blood producing a sticky substance that flows into the arteries. During very stressful times when you don't feel you can do anything to relax, turn it over to a Higher Power of your choosing.

Letting go and letting ourselves be led by our Higher Power is not a passive approach to life. It makes good sense to let go and surrender especially during challenging times. When we surrender, we remember that we are spiritual beings of light reincarnated to earth to have a physical experience. To make the life-walk easier it is best to have a circle of people you trust and that you can reach out during times of crisis and stress.

The Twelve Step programs are an excellent choice and there are many. Most people have heard of AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, but there is also NA Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon and Alateen. Codependents Anonymous addressing relationship issues, ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and Overeaters Anonymous, to name a few all based on the Twelve Step Program for healing. All of the Twelve Step groups are free and spiritually based reminding that the best way to guide your life is by creating a relationship with your personal Higher Power so that you have a guide who is always with you, always loving you, caring and keeping your best interests in Its Heart and Mind as you move along on your healing journey into the Light and Love of God.

Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings

Ruth Starseed    "Like" on Facebook

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Healing the Heart

Sometimes, when I forget my purpose here on earth, I ask myself, "What am I supposed to be doing,” as if what I am "doing" or "being" is not enough. Then it occurs to me, once again, for the hundredth time, the most important purpose on earth. The answer is that it is not to see another client, or give another lecture, or write another blog. All of that counts of course, but there is more to my purpose here on earth. I am here to heal my heart and pass on this important information to other people so that they can choose to do the same. It takes focus and will-power to work on healing oneself; not get side-tracked or buy into other people's ideas of what you should or should not be doing. It is also challenging dealing with the endless chatter of the mind telling you that there is more to do, to accomplish-maybe then you will feel satisfied. In fact, the endless chatter of the mind distracts from the real reason for being here on earth and that is healing the heart.

It is challenging to heal the heart because there are days when energy is low, tiredness seeps in; health is not what it should be; loneliness and loss of motivation takes center stage. Or perhaps someone we love, or even a stranger or co-worker at work is unhappy, gets moody, and rejects us. We just don’t know what happened! The mental chatter and obsessions begin. “Why did they do that?” Then our focus is off of ourselves and our healing. We place our energy into another person hoping to change their behavior which obviously we can do nothing about. Healing our hearts begins with bringing the focus, the attention, back to ourselves. It begins with taking care of ourselves. Building a daily self-care program and creating good self-care habits is the start. For busy people, it is easier said than done, but it is a must! If we don’t feel physically well, then it is hard to be the loving, compassionate person we want to be. And it is difficult to heal the emotional wounds of the heart.

Begin your day with a closed eye process. Meditation is important to balancing the right and left sides of the brain. It eases the endless chatter in the mind. Do this for ten, to fifteen, to twenty minutes a day. At the end of the meditation, place your hand on your heart. Breathe in and out and mentally send healing to your heart. Tap lightly on the center of your chest. Breathe love and light into your heart center, your heart chakra. Tell yourself that you are a good person just as you are! Do this until you feel good, relaxed, and believe this affirmation to be true.

Then move on to a brisk walk, a swim, or some form of exercise that you like to do.

Reach out to a friend, a family member. Pick up the phone. Waiting for others to call can be a waste of time. It is always hard to make the first move and reach out to others. Research shows us that having friends in our lives brings quality to our day and we may even live longer!

So dear friends, wishing you a happy day filled with love, light, healing and many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Radical Acceptance of Ourselves

The inner child, the emotional part of ourselves shows itself dreams; it also makes its presence known when we feel demanding, out of balance, angry, resentful, hateful and revengeful-all of the emotions that threaten to overwhelm us in life. So how do we reconcile the  “heavy emotions” with the desire to be positive, share uplifting thoughts and sentiments? The answer lies in accepting ourselves which is not easy to do; nor should a quick acceptance become the way we psychologically operate because we think we should. Doing so can increase anxiety and fear. It is best to get to know our feelings and acknowledge what we are going through; feel the feelings, however rough the roller coaster ride may be, and then move towards a radical acceptance of ourselves-a human being with faults, challenging emotions and struggles with difficult people in our lives. In all of these scenarios, the idea of acceptance is something to aim for, and it is always best not to minimize or suppress feelings but embrace our shortcomings. Get to know ourselves. One of the best ways to get to know the psychological part of ourselves is through analyzing dreams.

Here’s a dream I had a few nights ago.

After sitting in the sun all day giving hand/ arm massages to fifteen people I was exhausted. I did not even know how tired I was or how much stress I had accumulated from massaging so many people over a three hour period of time. I went to bed feeling more stressed than I realized. Towards morning I had this dream.

A very rapid flood of water gushed up the hill behind my house and raced towards the back glass sliding doors of the home. The rapidly rising water (emotions) threatened to flood the entire house and wash it away. To underscore how emotional and tired I felt, a trash can was on fire. Life was out of control.

The value of analyzing the dream is this: Now I deeply understood how tired, stressed, and emotional I felt. Massaging fifteen people for three hours while sitting in the sun was an emotional overload. In the future, in order to protect myself, I would have to set boundaries and limit the amount of time I would administer these labor intensive services.

It took several days to get back in balance, but after a few nights of sound sleep and daily meditations where I received extra rest. Plus walks in the park and an excellent swim at the pool, I was back to normal. I learned a lot of lessons from this experience.

1-Setting boundaries is important even in the work environment where it is harder to say no.

 2-When tired and out of balance, stress increases and perception is distorted.

 3-Deep rest is one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves.

When we are rested and back in balance, it is easier to accept ourselves and authentically affirm our good qualities.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Starseed Gratitude Initiative

When I was a child, much to the chagrin of my step-father who was a newcomer to our home, I wrote the names of people I loved and wanted blessings for on the wall next to my bed. There was a method to this madness; the many names of the people I loved would be remembered in my prayers before I went to sleep. “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my Soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Soul to take. If I should live for other days, I pray the Lord to guide my ways.” Then I would say, God bless so and so. I would name the people on the list penciled on my wall next to my bed; adding other names, anyone I could think of. Standing over the bed with nothing to say, my step-father glared at the innocent seven year old staring lovingly at the names written on the wall.

When I was an adolescent, my step-father had plenty to say. He became a formidable presence; a gruff man too often unloving. However no one, not even he was ever able to squash my love for life, for God, and for all of the beauty and magic around me; for all of the blessings I have in my life. One of the greatest blessings I have is a need to remember to count my blessings and to be grateful for all that I have, every day.

Later in life, when I began teaching at the local college I shared the research of Dr. Emoto who wrote “The Hidden Messages of Water.” One of the bottom lines of his research is that the Universe responds positively to words and feelings of gratitude. Gratitude for ourselves and for others-even for the challenges that have the potential to bring us to new heights and wisdom. (This is difficult to see and believe when we are going through challenges). It is also very difficult to control the negative slide that our mind seems to want to go in during the day. Fatigue or hunger can bring our thoughts into a slide so much faster. For this reason, it is important to eat life-giving foods that enhance the cells in our mind and our body, and to get a good night’s rest. Think of bedtime as an actual activity. A time to prepare-wind down an hour ahead with a warm shower and lavender scents. No computers in bed! Then off to the dream world where we continue to learn. When we awaken refreshed it is so much easier to be grateful for all that we have.

On Monday, July 8th, 2103, is the Starseed Gratitude Initiative. Stop for a few moments every hour and count your blessings. Smile to others and be grateful. Compliment and tell people you love them. I always remind myself that no day is promised. Grab hold of today and be grateful for all of the things and people in your life, all that you have.

Love, Light, Healing, and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
Starseed Gratitude Initiative
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Awakening Starseed

Dreams are a wonderful psychological road to the inner self. Dreams are the way the psychological and spiritual part of us processes issues during sleep. If we pay attention to dreams, we will learn a lot about what is going on inside of ourselves.

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I was driving my car. It kept steering off of the road. I was fighting the steering wheel trying to keep the car on course! No matter how hard I tried, the car had a mind of its own; it wanted to go in the direction that it wanted to go in. It was hard to control the wheel. To make a point, as dreams often do, it segued into another dream scene. Now I was packing to leave for a trip. I was going through customs. On the conveyer belt, my bags had to be carefully placed in a position so that other items behind my luggage could be tossed into my bag. I could not understand why I had to wait and follow this sequence and order of packing my things. The entire process seemed complicated. It really did not make sense. Why couldn't I just throw the clothing into the bag? Why did I have to stand there patiently and wait for this complicated mechanism to sort things out? I wanted things to hurry along. I wanted to do it my way. I heard a man in the customs line say, “People from your country make things harder on themselves.” I felt startled by the comment and somewhat insulted. I was being categorized and it was not fair. I was not the typical person who had to hurry things along…or so I thought.

In the morning, the meaning of the dream became clear. I had to stop forcing the direction of my life but get back on course and do my life’s work, my purpose; that which was assigned to me before my birth to be carried out during this incarnation in earth. My work, my purpose, is the work of the Starseed; bringing people information that all people everywhere on earth are spiritual beings of light. I am aware that there is a lot of darkness on earth and that it is hard to believe that a misguided and mean human being is a spiritual being of light. However, underneath layers of negativity, unhappiness and meanness, lies a spiritual being of light.

Starseeds, bring information about the Pleidians advanced spiritual beings of light that help Starseeds remember and manifest a loving consciousness on earth. Starseeds carry a blueprint, a trace memory of having lived in other star systems in the Universe. Starseeds have reincarnated on other planets including the Pleiades. In these star systems, Starseeds receive training on spirituality, unity, oneness, unconditional love, and the importance of group consciousness while still expressing individuality on earth. The Starseed Pleiadian message is not a religion but an awakening into the awareness that we are all spiritual beings of light on earth.

Love, Light, Healings, and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Miracles Abound

Walking down the street, the sun sends streams of light through the trees casting shadows on the asphalt that forms dozens of interesting shapes dancing across the ground. Everything is in bloom. Spring is here. The grass is green, the flowers are blossoming purples, oranges, pinks and whites. In the morning, a light dewy mist lightly covers the grass making everything brighter, clearer, cleaner, greener and sweeter to look at. The sky is a deep bright blue and cloudless. In the morning, 5 AM to be exact, the birds wake up the neighborhood with their joyful song. At 8 PM they sing another song; a softer mellower tune that says nighttime is on the way. In the night sky, the moon slowly rises and reflects the light from the sun reminding that even in the darkest times there is still light on earth and that miracles abound.

There are miracles all around; miracles in families when unexpected healing takes place. Prayers that are answered-unanswered prayers are for the best. An unseen more positive path is about to unfold. What gets in the way of seeing miracles are fears that take hold in the mind and heart. Sometimes fear roots itself deeply in a person’s psyche-not a healthy way to live. Fear holds a person hostage as the worst is imagined and the “what if” scenario is played out in one's mind. Often, however, the “what ifs” never happen. However, sometimes bad things do occur. But we cannot sit and worry and wait. It is best to go through the day looking for the good, counting blessings, and seeing the miracles of life.
Here’s how I set up my day so that my mind can accept the beauty in life.

1- Getting a good night's sleep is essential so the next day is balanced.

2- After the morning shower and a glass of water with lemon, I sit down and meditate, the effortless meditation, allowing thoughts to come and go. Passively observing them is easy to do. Fifteen to thirty minutes is all that is needed.

3- Invite in the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit, The ECK.

4- A morning walk comes next, 15 to 30 minutes.

5- On the walk, breathe deeply and consciously. Observe surroundings and acknowledge the miracles of nature.

6- Smile. Smiling increases endorphins the feel good chemicals in the body.

7- Count blessings.

8- Look for the good.

9- Send love and gratitude to the Divine.

10- During the day, acknowledge your own divinity and the divine in everyone.

The mind can be retrained to focus on the positive but it does take work. It is the nature of the mind to drift, to complain, to worry etc. With the thousands of thoughts that go through one’s mind every day, it is neither advisable nor possible to control them. Control is not the answer. Passively observing thoughts letting them come and go just like in meditation is the easiest thing to do. Then re-direct thoughts towards words like thankfulness, gratitude, love, happiness, and goodwill. Set up your day with behavior modification techniques that positively direct thoughts. Then you will see that miracles all around.

Love, Light, Healing and Many blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Find Your Smile and Feel the Joy

Found my smile today. It was buried under a pile of chores; dog walks, cleaning, shopping, work, and all of the worries that accompany a day. When did I lose it? When did I tuck it away; no longer something that came freely the way it did when I was a child? The carefree after school days when I could not wait to come home, change into play clothing, and run out back to play with the boys. A tomb-boy I was and good at it. I kept up with the best of them; played football and baseball. Bases loaded, I hit the home run. Hide and seek and pinky ball against the wall were my favorites. At dusk, the mysterious shapes and shadows said it was time to go inside. Slowly, and somewhat begrudgingly, I walked towards the house wondering why the day and the carefreeness of play had to end. Still, as a child, I was able to find my smile. Tomorrow was another day of play. And true to form, after school, I was the first kid out in the alley knocking on neighbor's doors letting the  kids know that it was time to come out and play. Somewhere along way into adulthood, I lost the carefree way I used to play, and in the process I lost my smile. Perhaps it was after the first, or was it the second divorce, or the death of my third husband. Maybe it was the years watching him struggle through rounds of chemo and radiation knowing the futility of that type of cure for him. Perhaps it was after his estate was divided for his kids-difficult children to please. Or maybe it was after 911and the support groups I ran soothing other’s worries, containing my own.

However, today, I found my smile again, and when I did my heart overflowed with joy-a different kind of joy than I felt when I bounced the pinky ball over and over against the wall. It was the joy of knowing that I have a Higher Power that is forever connected to me. A Higher Power that has been with me through-out my life; through the hard times, the easier times, the tired times, the manic times. A Higher Power that has been, and always will be there with me, guiding, encouraging and moving me forward, opening and easing my mind and heart reminding me to let go, relax, enjoy the moment, and to smile.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Invite Higher Power Into Your Day

Most people’s day begins with a quick shower, gulping down a cup of coffee, running out the door and coping with a long and stressful morning commute; then on the job with all of its demands and long twelve hour days. Back home, a microwave dinner will suffice. Collapsing into bed, lap top on lap, TV on. Last minute emails sent as work finishes for the day. Eventually sleep takes over only to begin the day all over again in the same way.

In order to have a great day, one in which you feel confident and certain that you are on track and feel balanced and happy. Begin your day by inviting Higher Power into your day. Before you get out of bed, take a deep breath in and exhale twice as long, slowly, and evenly. This simple breathing technique centers the mind and body. It begins daily alignment. It sends a message to your Higher Self that you are getting ready to invite It into your day. From this quieter and more centered place, invite Higher Power into your day. Say these words. “I invite my Higher Power into my day. Today, I align with the higher purposes of my Higher Power. In spiritual alignment, I anticipate having a great day. A day where I great everyone I meet with love, and healing, knowing that I am being guided to express the best that is in me. Guide me today and help me to bring out the best in myself and in others. When my buttons are pushed, help me to contain my reactivity. I ask my Higher Power to keep me and my loved one’s safe. I ask my Higher Power to help me be grateful and to enjoy the day. I ask my Higher Power to help me appreciate all that I have right now in this moment-the next moment is not going to be any greater than the one that I am in right now.” In closing this invitation to Higher Power say thank-you. I am grateful.

Gratefully, Love, Light, Healing, Blessings,

Ruth Starseed
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Walking Lunch. Put Yourself in Your Day

As I child I loved playing outdoors. Playing was more important than coming in for dinner. Doing homework-forget it! I wanted to play and play, and play some more. Hide and seek, football, baseball, pinky ball against the wall; riding my bike-anything but coming in to the house and buckling down to do homework. I loved to play and take time for me. At ten years old, I had no problem putting myself first in my day. Now, as an adult, I have to be reminded to put myself in my day and play. I know it is best not to wait until the doctor says slow down, do some stress management technique, walk, swim, Pilates, tennis, yoga-there is no shortage of ways to get active and have fun and play. Too often, however, we put ourselves last or not at all in our day. We work through lunch or eat at our desk typing away at the computer and answering phones. When asked, “Can we make this a working lunch?” It is frowned upon to say no. We continue to work.

Next time you are asked to work through lunch ask, “How about making it a Walking Lunch? Or a lunch where we meditate together and catch a cat nap? (Which is often what meditation turns in to for most tired people; it really is wonderful to rest and even sleep in meditation. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!)

Most of us make time for everyone and everything else. The dog needs a walk, food, water, a vet visit, a comfortable place to lie down. There is always something up with the kids or grand-kids. Then there is the house that needs repairing the lawn needs to be mowed-endless chores. Everything and everyone else comes first.

How do you get yourself in to your day; not your significant other’s day, or your child’s day, or friend’s day, but your day? (What a concept?) The question I ask myself every day, is how can I make sure that I do something special just for me, every day? If you are at home or at work make it a walking lunch break day. Go for a walk for 15 minutes. On the walk, take in deep conscious breathes, inhaling and exhaling. Swing your arms high like a soldier. Movement oxygenates and stretches the body. I guarantee you that when you return to your desk you will feel better, more balanced, and tuned in to the voice of your intuition directing you towards a more balanced healed and whole life.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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Friday, May 31, 2013

A Waking Dream Message from the Angels

Recently, during a challenging time, I randomly opened a book to a passage that said, “This too shall pass.” A waking dream message, I thought. This too shall pass was a phrase my mother said when consoling her children through difficult times. Reading the sentence again I felt the Presence of my spiritual guides and angels. A few hours later, I overheard someone at work say, "This too shall pass." Now my spiritual guides had my full attention. I was being reminded that no matter how difficult a situation, my spiritual guides and angels would always be with me. I was not alone.

As a child I was comforted by this phrase. However, during a challenging time perspective is distorted. Fear settles uncomfortably into one’s consciousness pushing out feelings of hope and joy. When this happens there is a loss of contact with the higher self. The little self, the ego, holds tight and wants to steer the boat. Another approach, a counter intuitive move, is to let go and turn it over to a higher power. It takes loosening the grip and trusting that something Greater than the little self, the ego, has a wider more expanded point of view and will guide to safer and calmer waters.

Turning things over and trusting a higher power is difficult for just about everyone. It is natural to want to hold on and force solutions. It is a relief to let go and allow oneself to be guided. The process is not always comfortable. In fact it is quite a stretch to move out of one's comfort zone and trust that something Greater than oneself is guiding towards the best possible outcome. By letting go and releasing the tight grip of the ego you will cope with the roller coaster ride. At some point, all challenging situations change and pass into something new perhaps into something greater and better than you ever imagined!

With love, and light, healing and many blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Taking off the Rose Colored Glasses

I see the world through rose colored glasses. I see the good in people. I see their potential. Their successful careers, marriages, family and more. I see the potential in everyone. I live in the world of infinite positive possibilities, positive manifestation-all dreams come true; my special brand of Fairy Tale Thinking. However, every so often the Universe says it is time to take off the rose colored glasses.

I have always seen the world through rose colored glasses. Life is beautiful and the sun is shining. However, as a psychotherapist, I know the struggles people have changing behaviors, confronting bad relationships trying desperately to stop addictive compulsive behaviors. It is challenging and takes a lot of hard work. The hard job of changing the patterns of one’s personality is a daily effort. It is so much easier to put on the rose colored glasses, pretend problems don’t exist, run away-especially in the summer to the shore, the mountains, a lovely quiet campsite beside a pristine lake.. Ahhh... a lovely thought. The hard work of going to therapy, or groups, Twelve Step recovery programs- anything that confronts one’s personality patterns, is the psychological work that needs to be done. In today’s world of “give it to me fast and make me better yesterday,” makes the hard work of self-examination and confrontation difficult. Becoming that bright shining psychological and spiritual star means confronting psychological dross. (That is what I call the stuff that has to be healed from the personality in order to become whole and one with spiritual light). The psychological stuff we have accumulated from this lifetime and from other lifetimes too. (Yes, we do reincarnate with both positive and negative personality patterns. All has to be looked at and worked on with the goal towards healing the self.) Googling the word dross, definitions like waste matter and scum that forms at the surface of molten lead, as well as impurities showed up. That is the psychological stuff we all have to look at. Our own personal psychological dross.

I used to think that I would reach some magical age in life and all of my problems would be solved. (Isn’t that what enlightenment means? In the Light, and forever free to be in communion with God with the Holy Spirit.) For the rest of my life, I would sit in a lotus positions, chant OM or HU or Love, or Peace, and be finished dealing with my psychological self, untouched by the hardships of life. But alas, that is magical thinking, and would in the long run be boring. I can’t say it is fun to take off the rose colored glasses when there is something psychological to look at, but it is necessary to do. Otherwise, we live  in denial, miss important opportunities, and make up that the change we are feeling, the change that is on the horizon is going to be easy, and it never is. Change is challenging. Facing reality is challenging too. So for now, and only temporarily, I am taking off my rose colored glasses and putting them in the drawer knowing, without a doubt, (or maybe a few doubts), that Higher Power has a 360 degree point of view, a higher vision, a higher plan to help shed the psychological dross allowing spiritual rose colored light to shine through.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Faith or Fear?

Faith or Fear?

Will it be faith or fear? As the challenges mounted this week, this is the question I asked myself. So I followed my own advice, the advice I give to others, and sat down to meditate. This is what I heard my higher power say. Let go of what you can’t control. Everyone has their own higher power, their own God that is directing them towards wholeness. Keep in mind that on earth, at this third dimensional level of consciousness, there is a lot of pain. And as difficult as it is, people grow the most from pain. It is okay to let people grow from their pain.

I listened to what higher power said to me in meditation but still wanted my will to prevail. Don’t I know best? Can’t I make things happen and show another the way? The longer I held on to that kind of thinking, the longer I was out of balance and motivated by fear. Finally, after much effort; reaching out to support systems, reading spiritual teachings, and saying the serenity prayer many times a day, I surrendered to the challenges of the week and am at peace.

Surrendering to higher power is a daily decision. Co-creatorship does not mean we are running the show-ours or anyone else’s show. It means we align our little will with the higher Divine Will. The Divine Will has a plan for each and every person. Divine Will wants us to grow spiritually but we must surrender and listen to the voice of our higher self so we can know the direction to take.

During challenging times, this is difficult to do. Fear creeps in and wants to take hold. Faith is pushed out of one’s heart and mind. The inner child asks, “Am I safe.” The answer is “yes” we are safe. We are all children of God who approves and loves us unconditionally.

“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Love, Light, Healing and blessings,
Ruth Starseed

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Pleiaidan Starseed Light Worker Network

The Pleiaidan Starseed Light Worker Network is a network of spiritual beings of light who embrace the idea that our individual and collective thought creates individual and world reality. We are coming in to a New Age of Light and love. It is a new kind of spirituality. It is not a religion but is a way of living life sharing the light and love and recognizing that all people everywhere are spiritual beings of Light. As we move into a new age of light more and more people will embrace this truth; we are all spiritual beings of light on earth, and act accordingly.

The Pleiaidan Starseed Light Worker Network are people who remember this truth and are awakening to the fact that it is vital to share the light and share the love and share the information that we have to look beyond our conditioning and see our spiritual light-see the light in other people too. Perhaps it is DNA programmed in Starseeds that is awakening to this mission. Perhaps Star Beings from the Pleiades did come to earth and mingle with humans leaving some of us with this strand of information that is awakening at this point in time. Or perhaps it is spiritual and psychological development that says, yes, go forward and share the light and love. The most profound truth is that the information is here for all to see if they choose to. Light and Love is all there is. To get there we must work on psychological and spiritual healing.

If you are depressed, anxious or out of balance it is hard if not impossible to hear Higher Self information and disseminate it to others. To become a channel for the Light and Love and hear the Pleiadian Message and the message of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light, you have to decide, and it is a decision, to take time every day away from the busyness of your life, and sit down and meditate. I meditate in the morning or by noon every day. Find a good time for yourself, sit down and enjoy the quietness. Passively observe your thoughts; let them come and go. Gently come back to the word Relax, Release, or Love, and Light.

Are you a Starseed? You are a spiritual being of light on earth. Become a part of the Pleiaidan Starseed Light Worker Network and choose to disseminate information on Love and Light. I will send you a clear quartz crystal to meditate with. Here’s what I say in my book, For Starseeds: Healing the Heart-Pleiaidan Crystal Meditations about quartz crystal.

“Quartz crystals are psychological and spiritual healing tools. Quartz Crystal creates a path for the light to flow from the higher chakras down from the crown chakra to the brow point chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, naval point chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra—the body is balanced and cleared. If there are blockages, quartz assists in removing them.”

Love, light, healing and many blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Dynamic Duo-Thoughts and Emotions: Creating a Positive Reality

The Dynamic Duo-Thoughts and Emotions

Creating a Positive Reality

It is not enough to say that our thoughts create our reality. It is too black and white and narrow and the concept does not give enough information. If something bad happens for example sickness or an accident does that mean that your thoughts created the event? If you believe that your thoughts create your reality, when challenges occur and they will, you now have to cope with trying to figure out how the negative event happened and what you did to create it. Was it your thoughts? Buying into the concept that our thoughts create our reality can compound difficult situations additionally burdening a person; people tend to blame something or someone, often it is oneself.

I like to think about the concept that our thoughts create our reality like this.

When a negative event happens in our lives we feel emotional. Emotions occur from thoughts. Emotions have important psychological information. The feedback from a strong emotion like anger, for example, says there is something that we do not like that may need changing. Keep in mind that strong emotions like anger can be motivating. (E-motion. energy in motion). Since it is impossible and a big waste of time to try and change the person who made us angry, it is best to be motivated and examine what is going on in one’s thinking process. It is also best not to suppress emotions but contain them. When one is cool headed an objective examination of one’s thought process and what is driving the anger can occur.

To help this process move along, when you are emotional and out of balance, find a trusted friend or a good therapist and talk it out. Go to the gym, a walk, a swim. Do something constructive and active to let go of the toxic build-up of stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine that occur when we are upset and angry. Then, when calmer, sit down to meditate.

Meditation releases feel good hormones serotonin and melatonin. The brain receives feel good messages that we are relaxed and calmer. The chatter in the mind settles down and clearer thinking returns. Anger dissipates, balance is restored. Then it is easier to let go and think positive thoughts flooding the brain with feelings of wellness, happiness, joy and gratitude. Understanding how our thoughts and emotions work together- a dynamic duo- creates a more psychologically positive and healthy lifestyle and a new reality-one in which our thoughts and emotions are the energizing force behind creating a positive and productive reality.

Love, Light, Healing, and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Good People Doing Good Things


Good People Doing Good Things
There are more good people doing good things; people who compassionately help others and empathize with their pain. People who forgive mistakes and know the importance of being positive and pleasant-I remind myself of this when bad things happen to others. Then I think about a banner that my second grade teacher Miss Gregory hung on the walls of the classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” My heart soars; even at eight years old I know my second grade teacher is sharing a secret-a truth. At the time, I did not know this phrase was a message from the great Master Teacher Jesus to his disciples, but it touches my heart and is a guiding principle. So when people hurt other people, (impossible to understand), I take it into meditation. I close my eyes and ask, “Why would anyone want to hurt another person?” In meditation my mind settles down and the quietness is soothing. I am back to center and balanced.
I recall a spiritual law.
The Law of Karma; everyone, everywhere is held responsible for their thoughts and their deeds. Everyone. There is no escaping it.
We reap what we sow; what we do and what we think every day has repercussions for ourselves and others. Yes…thoughts are "things" and have a tangible quality. We cannot monitor all of the thousands of thoughts we have each day, but we can make a daily effort to quiet the mind in meditation, balance ourselves, and reach out to others-never intentionally doing harm. With a balanced mind and an open heart we are better able to be a kind and caring human being.
Although it is a challenge to meditate at least one time a day for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes or longer, the simple easy and effortless process of letting thoughts come and go re-balances the nervous system and releases stress. When I meditate, I am reminded that there are more good people doing good things in the world than bad people doing hurtful things. There are more good people helping others, serving others, family, friends, and neighbors, then destructive out of balance and misguided people. Then my mind drifts back and I think about the banner Miss Gregory hung on the walls of the second grade classroom, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Yes, there are more good people doing good things for others bringing light and love in to the world.
Light, Love, healing and many blessings, always, Ruth Starseed

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Inner Voice

I was twenty three years old when my Cousin, five years younger, born on my birthday, a blue eyed blonde beauty; a colorful bouquet of mountain wildflowers, I thought, as she walked towards me. Her ankle length skirt flowed lazily, effortlessly, from side to side.  “I recently learned to meditate and I would like for you to learn too. It’s relaxing and healing.” The bright eyed eighteen-year old was eager to share her experience with me.  An introductory meditation class would be held on Thursday. “Bring flowers and fruit to the session and make an appointment with one of the meditation teachers on the college campus,” she said.

I, in my white tennis shorts, shirt, and sneakers, was getting ready to pound the ball across the tennis court. The thought of meditation was unappealing; I identified elsewhere. Anticipating that meditation would somehow change me in ways I would not like, the idea of going to a class was unappealing. However, I could not ignore the inner voice that told me to check it out-to go.

Thank-you Cousin. Since that time, decades ago, I have healed body, mind, and spirit, psychologically and spiritually, and taught meditation to others in hundreds of seminars and workshops. In the process, I demystified the general thinking that in order to meditate correctly one must clear the mind and get rid of all thoughts. In fact when we meditate, we need to follow the path of least resistance and “go with the flow;” passively observing the babbling brook of the mind, the continuous flow of thoughts, gently introducing a word like Relax into the meditation to transcend to quieter more peaceful places, effortlessly, easily.  

Remember when you meditate:

1-You will always have thoughts

2-Gently and silently say the word Relax

3-Allow the word Relax to drift in and out of your mind. Thoughts will drift in and out too.

4-Passively observe them-let them come and go.

5-If it helps listen to soft soothing music.

6-Meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes a day.

-The benefits are enormous. I will talk about them in the next blog.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Inner Guidance

When I was nine years old, my father gave me a special present; a gold ring with two luminous pearls wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. I promised to cherish it forever. Four days later, the shiny gold ring slipped off my finger and was lost under hundreds of leaves that covered the ground on a dreary fall day. “Go back and search for the ring,” my mother said. Even at nine years old, I knew she was placating giving me a job to distract me from the grief and loss of the pearl ring. Retracing my steps back to school, kicking leaves into the air; admiring my new cordovan loafers and the shiny penny pushed into the slit at the top of the shoe, I suddenly felt a “Presence,” the sense of someone standing behind me. A hand on my shoulder and a voice, not mine, but around and above me that said, “Listen and look.” The directive was strong. “Look down,” it commanded, and I did. “Lift up your shoe.” Tentatively, and without any real reason to follow the direction of the inner voice except that I was told to listen and pay attention, I rolled my loafer sideways and lifted the heel. There, three blocks from home, five from school, was the gold and pearl ring. The lost ring now found under hundreds of leaves that blanketed the ground on that gray fall day.

-Mother said angels watch over me.

Over the years, paying attention to my intuition for direction and guidance, the voice of my higher-self intermingled with directives from angels and spiritual guides, is the way I live. Life, I found, works best, when I take time every day to meditate, ask for guidance, and listen to the voice of my higher-self with direction from spiritual guides. As a child it was easier to pay attention and follow the guidance-the innocence and openness of a child. However, as a young adult fourteen years after finding the gold and pearl ring, I began to meditate. The intuitive voice and inner guidance has grown strong.

That’s why I am writing this blog. Take time and meditate. Pay attention to your inner voice, the voice of your higher-self spiritual guides and angels. It will give you the guidance you seek. It is best heard when we set the stage through meditation, prayer, and also through dreams. Inner guidance is always positive, compassionate, kind and supportive. It reminds us of the importance to take time out of the busy day to “Be Still and Know” and listen to the direction you seek.

Write and tell me about your inner guidance, the messages you have received that guided your life or were prophetic, and the development of your intuition for spiritual guidance and psychological and spiritual growth.

Ruth Starseed

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