Thursday, January 30, 2014

Insight and Wisdom-Final Days on Earth

At the end of my mother’s life the family went into counseling. She said, “I wish I had done this before.” My mother was a woman in charge of her life; in control of herself and those around her. She loved her family and was excited to discover new things, gain insight, and grow in wisdom. Counseling would give her the opportunity. She appreciated the family support and agreement that we would attend. She was intensely interested in therapy something she had never experienced before. I, a psychotherapist knew the reasons why we as a blended family had not gone into counseling before this time. Now, at the end of my mother’s life it was too late. With the short time she had left we attended a few sessions; my step-father played his protective role of her. For him family therapy was too confrontational and threatening; his wife was dying; he did not want to upset her with emotional exchange. My step-father could not see that she yearned for insight and wisdom even during her final days on earth. Although I look back on this time as a missed opportunity for psychological and spiritual growth, today, when I am in need of healing, I seek support through different healing modalities including group support. Whether as a participant or facilitator, in a psychotherapeutic setting, we grow from feedback and interaction with others. Although sometimes confrontational, the end result-wisdom and empowerment.

I heard it said that life is painful, suffering is optional. Like my step-father, I wonder how many times I missed opportunities by choosing to avoid emotional pain and the wisdom it can ultimately bring yet encouraging others to explore their personality and emotional wounds. Understandably, emotions can make us feel weak and vulnerable the way we felt as children. Avoiding painful and intense feelings is understandable; anger, fear, resentment, jealousy to name just a few of the hundreds of human emotions we can experience is challenging. Perhaps we fear that we will suffer too long or lose control. However, exploring emotions brings insight; emotions help us to stretch and grow into a new self and direct us onto a path of self-discovery uncovering unknown hidden parts of the psyche. At any point in the life cycle, we have the opportunity to grow and discover ourselves anew, even during the final days on earth.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,
Ruth Starseed Hoskins

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Soul Satisfying Day

When I was in my twenties, I worked at an outpatient mental health clinic. I recall one of the psychiatrists telling a story about a plaque that hung on the bathroom wall in his childhood home. It said, "What have you accomplished today?" The messages he received in his home were similar to the messages in my home. In our home, we did not have a plaque hanging on the bathroom wall. There were however, many spoken and unspoken messages related to accomplishing.

For example, it was frowned upon to nap in the afternoon. Being in motion and active is what counted. Outdoor play was approved of; hours upon hours of playing hide-and-seek, bouncing the pinky-ball against the wall, touch football with the boys. I never tired and it was better than going home. Napping, resting, or lounging around on a Saturday afternoon was frowned upon. It was a sign of weakness, an unproductive child.

Luckily, I like to be on the move. As an adult, the problem with being on the go for the sake of being busy equating that with Soul satisfaction, is that it is not the same. For a real Soul satisfying day I need to write. Writing is a loved creative outlet. When I remember to write (sometimes I forget), it is easier to let go of the nagging feeling that I must be busy and on the go accomplishing anything, just as long as I am in motion.

Writing is my creative Soul satisfying outlet. I sit down to write and to create, Writing taps into my creative power (creation). That feels great! When taking time to do something I love it is much easier to appreciate my day. I don't have to work so hard to have happy thoughts or feel expansive or good inside. I just feel good-plain and simple. When I write I get in touch with a part of myself that is connected to my Soul. When this Ah Ha Soul satisfying moment comes, it is so much easier to surrender to Higher Power and enjoy my life.

A real Soul satisfying day makes life easier and creates ease and grace. A real Soul satisfying day allows me to trust the direction of my life; appreciate the lessons, the hard ones and enjoy more fully the easier and joyful ones. A Soul satisfying day brings a fresh perspective and helps me to let go of worry about the future. A Soul satisfying day helps me to stay on course no matter how long a manifestation a dream of mine may take to unfold. In fact, manifestation becomes secondary to a Soul satisfying day; it fades into the background of the many competing desires that race out of my heart and mind clamoring wildly for first place. When I write, in the foreground of my heart and mind is a colorful Soul satisfying day.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed Hoskins
