Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Faith or Fear?

Faith or Fear?

Will it be faith or fear? As the challenges mounted this week, this is the question I asked myself. So I followed my own advice, the advice I give to others, and sat down to meditate. This is what I heard my higher power say. Let go of what you can’t control. Everyone has their own higher power, their own God that is directing them towards wholeness. Keep in mind that on earth, at this third dimensional level of consciousness, there is a lot of pain. And as difficult as it is, people grow the most from pain. It is okay to let people grow from their pain.

I listened to what higher power said to me in meditation but still wanted my will to prevail. Don’t I know best? Can’t I make things happen and show another the way? The longer I held on to that kind of thinking, the longer I was out of balance and motivated by fear. Finally, after much effort; reaching out to support systems, reading spiritual teachings, and saying the serenity prayer many times a day, I surrendered to the challenges of the week and am at peace.

Surrendering to higher power is a daily decision. Co-creatorship does not mean we are running the show-ours or anyone else’s show. It means we align our little will with the higher Divine Will. The Divine Will has a plan for each and every person. Divine Will wants us to grow spiritually but we must surrender and listen to the voice of our higher self so we can know the direction to take.

During challenging times, this is difficult to do. Fear creeps in and wants to take hold. Faith is pushed out of one’s heart and mind. The inner child asks, “Am I safe.” The answer is “yes” we are safe. We are all children of God who approves and loves us unconditionally.

“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Love, Light, Healing and blessings,
Ruth Starseed

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