Saturday, May 25, 2013

Taking off the Rose Colored Glasses

I see the world through rose colored glasses. I see the good in people. I see their potential. Their successful careers, marriages, family and more. I see the potential in everyone. I live in the world of infinite positive possibilities, positive manifestation-all dreams come true; my special brand of Fairy Tale Thinking. However, every so often the Universe says it is time to take off the rose colored glasses.

I have always seen the world through rose colored glasses. Life is beautiful and the sun is shining. However, as a psychotherapist, I know the struggles people have changing behaviors, confronting bad relationships trying desperately to stop addictive compulsive behaviors. It is challenging and takes a lot of hard work. The hard job of changing the patterns of one’s personality is a daily effort. It is so much easier to put on the rose colored glasses, pretend problems don’t exist, run away-especially in the summer to the shore, the mountains, a lovely quiet campsite beside a pristine lake.. Ahhh... a lovely thought. The hard work of going to therapy, or groups, Twelve Step recovery programs- anything that confronts one’s personality patterns, is the psychological work that needs to be done. In today’s world of “give it to me fast and make me better yesterday,” makes the hard work of self-examination and confrontation difficult. Becoming that bright shining psychological and spiritual star means confronting psychological dross. (That is what I call the stuff that has to be healed from the personality in order to become whole and one with spiritual light). The psychological stuff we have accumulated from this lifetime and from other lifetimes too. (Yes, we do reincarnate with both positive and negative personality patterns. All has to be looked at and worked on with the goal towards healing the self.) Googling the word dross, definitions like waste matter and scum that forms at the surface of molten lead, as well as impurities showed up. That is the psychological stuff we all have to look at. Our own personal psychological dross.

I used to think that I would reach some magical age in life and all of my problems would be solved. (Isn’t that what enlightenment means? In the Light, and forever free to be in communion with God with the Holy Spirit.) For the rest of my life, I would sit in a lotus positions, chant OM or HU or Love, or Peace, and be finished dealing with my psychological self, untouched by the hardships of life. But alas, that is magical thinking, and would in the long run be boring. I can’t say it is fun to take off the rose colored glasses when there is something psychological to look at, but it is necessary to do. Otherwise, we live  in denial, miss important opportunities, and make up that the change we are feeling, the change that is on the horizon is going to be easy, and it never is. Change is challenging. Facing reality is challenging too. So for now, and only temporarily, I am taking off my rose colored glasses and putting them in the drawer knowing, without a doubt, (or maybe a few doubts), that Higher Power has a 360 degree point of view, a higher vision, a higher plan to help shed the psychological dross allowing spiritual rose colored light to shine through.

Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings,

Ruth Starseed

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