Saturday, August 10, 2013

Night Time Dreams Guide Your Life

Dreams have always guided my life. If you want information while you sleep, set your intention and pay attention to your dreams.

When we sleep, our spiritual or astral bodies move away from the sleeping body and explore other realms of consciousness. This is not a phenomenon that happens to a select few. This happens to everyone every night during sleep. During sleep, the mind and body rest and heal, and the spiritual or astral body explores and visits places and people from other dimensions in time. The spiritual body visits the Halls of Wisdom, Temples of Learning, Temples of Healing and the akashic records. Although most people are unaware of the learning and exploration that goes on in dreams, the spiritual information is brought back to the waking state and slowly digested and integrated into waking life. The result is that intuition is developed, and a deeper spiritual wisdom is accessed and accelerated.

In several dreams, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light traveled with me in my dream body. “We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and have been with you on earth many times through several incarnations. We have lived amongst earth people, intermingling with humans. You are a Starseed and carry a message of light and love.”

There were other dreams and messages. In a dream, a mountain of quartz crystals tumbled down and blanketed me with protection, healing, and light. I awoke with insight and began writing For Starseeds: Healing the Heart—Pleiadian Crystal Meditations.

At that time, night time learning was accelerated. Advanced spiritual beings of light taught me how to help sick people. Dreams intensified; an electrical charge, a laser beam of vibrating green healing light, rippled down my arm into a woman’s body, healing her heart. She and I were connected. She was healed. The radiating healing light and the intensity of information channeled from the Spiritual Guides and Masters, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light intensified in the dream. The room shook. In the dream, I was told, “You are a Starseed. Become a conscious channel for healing.”

When the healing was complete, the woman sat up, looked around the room, and got off the table. A Pleiadian Emissary of Light spoke and said that the primary mission of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light on earth is to awaken Starseeds and move them toward the awareness of the Light within.

In another more recent dream, I was given information about a past life. In the dream, I was traveling at an accelerated rate. I looked to my right and heard a voice say, “You are passing the Edmond Monastery.” In waking reality, I never heard of the Edmond Monastery. In the morning, I discovered that the monastery does indeed exist. In past lives, I have lived a cloistered life and am drawn to that way of living in this life. Often, what we are drawn to in this life, points to where we have lived before. In this past life dream, I was visiting a place I had lived before.

At night, before bed, bring a dream journal by your bed. In the morning, write down anything and everything you remember-even the smallest bit of dream material gives lots of information to the dreamer. Before you go to sleep, set your intention and you will become the dreamer that will visit other places, meet with your spiritual guides, and enjoy the journey with your Dream Master-your Higher Self that has a 360 degree point of view.

Love, Light, Healing, and many blessings,
Ruth Starseed

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